I have created a local package within Xcode, with 'File -> New -> Package' and named it "BaseTypeExtension" (see image). So far so good, I can use this package in my other Xcode projects as expected (by 'File -> add Package Dependencies ... -> add Local ...').
Then I created another local package (again with 'File -> New -> Package)', but this package should depend on the first package BaseTypeExtensions. But when I try to add the dependency with 'File -> add Package Dependencies ...' surprisingly the option 'add Local ...' is not available anymore.
Can somebody help?
I want to implement such a nested package dependency but only locally (a remote repository e.g. on GitHub makes no sense to me at this moment, I don't want to share code with others, I just want to locally modularize my code using Swift Package Manager.
Any hint, workaround, link, ... is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Well, I finally found a solution for nested local packages. Interesting though, I got more help from ChatGPT, than from here.
But the real help came from this site: https://theswiftdev.com/the-swift-package-manifest-file/
Thanks to Tibor Bödecs, who shared his knowledge about package dependencies. The key was this line of code unter the comment // ... dependency must also be handled here on target level //
I hope it helps somebody with the same issues.
// swift-tools-version: 5.10
import PackageDescription
// Sample for dependency on other local package
let package = Package(
name: "SecondPackage",
products: [
name: "SecondPackage",
targets: ["SecondPackage"]
// relative path to first package
dependencies: [.package(path: "../BaseTypeExtension"),],
targets: [
name: "SecondPackage",
// ... dependency must also be handled here on target level
dependencies: [.product(name: "BaseTypeExtension", package: "BaseTypeExtension")]
name: "SecondPackageTests",
dependencies: ["SecondPackage"]