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python ffmpeg configuration for command

I want to convert mp3 files to mp3 but with my settings. Could someone help me to create python code or a command for cmd to perform such action with ffmpeg? I have hundreds of mp3 files so I need to automate it. Settings are in below picture.

Audacity Configuration

I tried myself to configure it, but I had problems with finding in ffmpeg docs information about bit rate mode and quality settings.


  • import subprocess
    def convert_mp3(input_filepath:str, output_filepath:str):
      #FFmpeg command to convert the input MP3 file
      ffmpeg_cmd = [
        '-i', input_filepath,
        '-ar', '48000',  # Set the sample rate to 48000Hz
        '-b:a', '320k',  # Set the audio bitrate to 320kbps
        '-vn',  # Disable video stream
        '-codec:a', 'libmp3lame',  # Use LAME MP3 codec
        '-f', 'mp3',  # Specify the output file format as MP3
      ], check=True)

    Insure that 'ffmpeg' is a recognized command by adding the path of your ffmpeg/bin folder to your environment variables.