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How to pass data between files in Webots?

I want to pass data from a robot controller to the supervisor, but I can't seem to find a working solution. Both the codes are in Matlab. The controller should send a boolean to the supervisor when it encounters an object.

I tried TCP/IP and global values but none of them seem to work:

Controller code:

data_to_send = false; 

client_socket = tcpip('localhost', 12345);

while true
fwrite(client_socket, data_to_send, 'boolean');


Supervisor code:

server_socket = tcpip('', 12345, 'NetworkRole', 'server');


while true 

while ~server_socket.BytesAvailable pause(0.1); end

received_data = fread(server_socket, server_socket.BytesAvailable, 'boolean');

disp(['Received data from the controller: ', num2str(received_data)]);




  • There are mainly two options to make controllers communicate with each other in Webots:

    • use the Emitter/Receiver mechanism to send data from one robot controller the other one.
    • use the field to store the data to share and read it in the other controller program using the Supervisor API.

    Alternatively, you may also use any standard inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism, such as files, sockets, shared memory, pipes, etc. But these are not specific to Webots.

    See also this answer.