I'm running PyCharm Professional 2023.3.4 on an Ubuntu 22.04 machine.
My PyTests run OK from the command line. But running them from PyCharm produces this message: Empty suite.
I need to debug my tests, and would like to use the IDE. I've set Pycharm's default test runner to pytest. I suspect the problem may be in my congiguration; here's a screenshot of the relevant dialog.
How should I fill out this dialog to let Pycharm find my PyTest suite?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Based on the screenshot you provided above, here are the steps to set it up, and yes, it is your configuration that led to the empty suites you are getting, I believe:
there, kindly create a file with that name (__init__.py
) for the Python interpreter to
identify that it is a package, which will enable your Pytest suites to run.
or Custom: For an arbitrary combination of paths, modules, and test class instances.Goodluck.