I am trying to write a program that appends each line of user input to a list. Once the user enters '', the loop should break. When their is more than 1 line of input the code executes the way it is intended.
However, there is an elif statement for when a users first input is '', that asks the user to enter something besides ''.
Upon testing this part out, the program prints the 'Enter a list' line you can see below, but then it ignores the rest of the program. If you enter '' again, the program exits and outputs [] when it should be going through the loop until there is a user input that is not ''.
Also if you do enter a few lines into the list, the program does not remove the '' situated at list1[-1].
The desired end output should have no '' in the list.
list1 = list()
def listt():
counter = 0
print("Please enter your shopping list:")
while counter < 1:
ask = input()
if len(list1) > 1 and list1[-1] == '':
counter += 1
elif len(list1) == 1 and list1[0] == '':
print('Enter a shopping list:')
The simple fix is to refactor to only add to the list when what you get isn't an empty string.
def listt():
list1 = list()
print("Please enter your shopping list:")
while True:
ask = input()
if not ask:
if not list1:
print("Try again")
return list1
Notice also how I refactored to make list1
a local variable which the function returns.