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Angular: property binding with the property name constructed inside the loop

I have multiple properties:

tier1_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>;
tier2_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>;
tier3_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>;

which I want to bind to checkboxes. How can I do this with ngFor? I tried:

<mat-checkbox *ngFor="let tier of [1,2,3]"
      [formControl]="myForm.controls.tier{{tier}}_eligibility"    <- Problem here !!

But it's not working - it's a problem of replacing {{tier}} with the appropriate number. What would be the appropriate syntax for this?


  • Assume that the <mat-checkbox> is wrapped in a FormGroup, you can formControlName instead of [formControl].

    <form [formGroup]="myForm">
        *ngFor="let tier of [1,2,3]"

    Demo @ StackBlitz