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spring-data-elasticsearch elasticsearch opensearch spring boot upgrade

I am in process to upgrade sprint boot from 2.7.16 to to 3.2.4

As part of it I upgraded spring-data-elasticsearch, elasticsearch as below

spring-data-elasticsearch from 4.3.3 to 5.1.4, elasticsearch from 7.13.4 to 7.17.13, lucene 8.11.1

The connection is to aws opensearch.

The application was able to come up with previous versions but with latest, I am getting error: Elasticsearch version 6 or more is required.

Google search says, versions are not compatible with opensearch.

Spring data elasticsearch version compatibility matrix suggest to have below

spring-data-elasticsearch: 5.2.x, elasticsearch: 8.11.4, spring framework: 6.1.x

Question: with above versions, will it able to bring the app up with connection to opensearch ?

I am still getting errors while upgrading various versions(lucene, rest-client etc) so before I spend more time I want to make sure the connection to opensearch is possible.


  • @Val's comment is the answer.Please refer the repo.