I have a problem in my Symfony 6.4 when I upgrade Doctrine/orm from 2.2 to 3.0. The error says:
Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy::getColumnName(): Return value must be of type string, null returned
I know that is something about "object API of FieldMapping", because my fieldMapping is an array as the 2.2 version, but no an object as supuse to be in 3.0 version.
And here the commit where someone called greg0ire change my life: https://github.com/doctrine/orm/commit/2acb298e7445b8bd70aef4bbff78652b28c4aad4
My doctrine config is:
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
server_version: '8.0.36'
profiling_collect_backtrace: '%kernel.debug%'
use_savepoints: true
map_config: 'GameMap\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\MapConfigJsonType'
group_config: 'GameMap\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\GroupConfigJsonType'
poi_media_type: 'GameMap\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\PoiMediaTypeStringType'
datetime_immutable_utc: 'GameMap\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UtcDateTimeType'
auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
enable_lazy_ghost_objects: true
report_fields_where_declared: true
validate_xml_mapping: true
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
auto_mapping: true
type: attribute
is_bundle: false
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Domain/Entity'
prefix: 'GameMap\Domain\Entity'
alias: GameMap
auto_mapping: true
class: 'GameMap\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\Filter\DeletedFilter'
enabled: true
Thanks a lot!!
Finally I found the trick!! well tricks.
As I said, all the problem is in the FieldMapping, because it is an array... why, because we require "doctrine/annotations".
As an old project, some dependencies are there but not used anymore. Since the beggining we used attributes, and the config was "type: Attributes", but this package looks like make some interferences.
This are the steps that we follow:
composer remove doctrine/*
composer require symfony/orm-pack
rm -rf var/cache/dev/*
composer dump-autoload
I think that the tick was the doctrine/annotations and the cache.
I hope be the only one with this problem, but if not, at least, I can be a help for someone else.