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Backspace does not work on vim mode in Mac OS terminal

I am using ZSH on Mac terminal and I enable vi mode in the terminal by adding set -o vi to my ~/.zshrc. When I am in the prompt line, and I type Hello, then I hit Esc to enter the non-insert mode, move my cursor to e and hit i to enter insert mode, I can not erase the H by hitting the backspace key.

Note that backspace key works on this same scenario when I open up a new file using vim test.txt and writing Hello and following the steps above, so I don't think this is a vim settings issue.

Also, I ran vi --version in my ~/.zshrc right before set -o vi and this is part of the output I got: VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Feb 10 2024 02:02:30)

Please help me!


  • Try bindkey -M viins "^?" backward-delete-char.

    Backspace is normally bound to vi-backward-delete-char, which is specifically documented to not do what you’re asking:

    vi-backward-delete-char (unbound) (X) (^H)

    Delete the character behind the cursor, without changing lines. If in insert mode, this won't delete past the point where insert mode was last entered.

    backward-delete-char doesn’t have that restriction.