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MUI Base Modal Backdrop Not Registering Clicks

I am attempt to implement a Modal using MUI Base Modal component and scss modules for styling:

import { Modal as BaseModal, ModalProps as BaseModalProps } from '@mui/base';

const Backdrop = () => <div onClick={(event) => console.log(event)} className={classes.backdrop}></div>;
const MyModal = (...) => {

            className={`${classes.modal} ${className}`}
            open={open}  // prop from parent component
            onClose={(event, reason) => {
                console.log('inside modal onClose')
                console.log('event: ', event)
                console.log('reason: ', reason)
                console.log('calling onClose prop now...')
                onClose()  // prop from parent component
            slots={{ backdrop: Backdrop }}

When I hit esc, onClose triggers with the expected reason (onClose docs). But when I click on the backdrop, nothing happens. I had previously worked around this via ClickAwayListener but the MUI Base Modal Demos all have functioning backdrops without the need for the ClickAwayListener.

Any thoughts on possible discrepancies?


  • you shall forwardRef to the backdrop ...

    const Backdrop = React.forwardRef<
      { open?: boolean; className: string }
    >((props, ref) => {
      const { open, className, ...other } = props;
      return (
          className={clsx({ 'base-Backdrop-open': open }, className)}