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Modifying a last element of a list-column in dplyr

I have a tibble where one of the columns is a vector list with equal length. I want to replace the last element of the list column with the maximums (by positions) of all vectors.


my_tibble <- tibble(a = list(c(2, 4, 10, 10, 10), c(1, 12, 4, 8.5, 14), c(1,3,9, 15, 11)), b = c("a", "b", "c"))

I want to replace the last element of column a with the maximums of all three elements by positions. The last list element of a should now be

c(2, 12, 10, 15, 14)

How do I do this in a dplyr pipe? My all attempts using purrr::map so far have failed and I don't think I am even getting closer. Any help is appreciated.


  • Do you want something like:

    my_tibble |>
      mutate(a = replace(a, row_number() == length(a), list(, a))))
    # A tibble: 3 × 2
      a         b    
      <list>    <chr>
    1 <dbl [5]> a    
    2 <dbl [5]> b    
    3 <dbl [5]> c  

    Where my_tibble$a is:

    [1]  2  4 10 10 10
    [1]  1.0 12.0  4.0  8.5 14.0
    [1]  2 12 10 15 14