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How to get sub-schema from zod object schema

I have a schema like this:

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string(),
  email: z.string()

Later in the code, I want to validate just email. Is it possible to get somehow email schema like this: schema.getSubschema("email").safeParse(...)? I know I can separately define schema for an email but I would be more convienient to get it from the object schema.


const saveHomeworkSchema = z
    description: description,
    solution: description,
    video: file.optional(),
    images: files.optional(),
    domain: selectItem,
    theorems: theorems,
    definitions: definitions,
    tags: tags,
    isFree: z.any(),
    price: price,
    status: z.nativeEnum(HomeworkStatus),
    (data) => data.solution || || data.images?.length,
    'Musisz podać przynajmniej jeden format rozwiązania.'


  • You can use .shape in this case:

    const schema = z.object({
      name: z.string(),
      email: z.string()
    let email = '';

    You can learn more here