I need to update TblRemHp.tmp
with Result of This
Select TblSub1.id from TblCategorias
left join TblSubcategorias
on TblSubcategorias.id_categoria = TblCategorias.id
left join TblSub1
on TblSub1.id_subcategoria = TblSubcategorias.id
left join TblRemHp
on TblRemHp.id_categoria = TblCategorias.id and TblRemHp.id_subcategoria = TblSubcategorias.id
where TblRemHp.id_categoria = TblCategorias.id
and TblRemHp.id_subcategoria = TblSubcategorias.id
and TblRemHp.id_filtro1 = TblSub1.c1
I don't know how to make this.
Can somebody help me please?
Really thanks.
There are two ways to do this:
Using UPDATE and JOIN:
update A
inner join B ON A.id = B.id
set A.data = 'Hello'
where B.data = 'world'
But since you mentioned that you want to use the result of the query to make an update, a more straightforward method would be to use a CTE.
with select_query AS (
select 1 as id -- Your select query comes here
) update A set data = 'Hello' where 1 in (select id from select_query);
The select_query CTE creates a "temporary table" for you to query when you UPDATE. You can even just use a subquery, but I tend to prefer using a CTE for its readability.