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How to send audio in telegram bot?

I am trying to create a telegram bot and I am using an API that download videos as mp3, so when the user send a video URL I send him mp3 file of it that he can stream or download, although everything is working fine but the bot always returns:

"Sorry, I couldn't convert the video. Please try again with a valid YouTube URL"

This is the code I am using:

async def convert_to_mp3(update, context):
    # Get the message text
    message_text = update.message.text
    # Check if the message contains a YouTube URL
    if '' in message_text or '' in message_text:
        # API endpoint and headers
        url = ""
        headers = {
            "X-RapidAPI-Key": "rapidAPI-Key",
            "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
        # Query parameters
        querystring = {"url": message_text}

        # Making the API call
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
        data = response.json()
        print("API Response:", data)  # Debugging

        # Check if the response contains the MP3 URL
        if 'url' in data:
            await update.message.reply_audio(data['url'])
            await update.message.reply_text("Sorry, I couldn't convert the video. Please try again with a valid YouTube URL.")
        await update.message.reply_text("Please send a valid YouTube video URL.")


  • 1- Change update.message.reply_audio(data['url']) to update.message.reply_audio(data['result'][0]['url']) to send the URL as a sample JSON response is like this:

            'status': 'true',
            'title': "Doston Ergashev - Ko'zmunchog'im | Достон Эргашев - Кузмунчогим",
            'channel': 'RizaNovaUZ',
            'duration': '5:47',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'url': ''

    2- If the video is not found the code will output "None" so change your if statement to this:

    if url != "None":
        await update.message.reply_audio(data['result'][0]['url'])
        await update.message.reply_text("Sorry, I couldn't convert the video. Please try again with a valid YouTube URL.")