I want to upload a file using windows application to a web service so that web service can process the file.
Please tell me how can i achieve this.
I only know that i can use web service with windows forms to send only string, int, these types. But what about file.
Any help is appreciated
As Will Wu said you can always declare a web method that takes a byte[] as input in your web service, but if you don't like to send the byte array as it is in your web service call, you can always encode the byte[] to a base64 string from your client and decode the byte[] on the server side
WebService sample web Method
public bool UploadFile(string fileName, string uploadFileAsBase64String)
byte[] fileContent = Convert.FromBase64String(uploadFileAsBase64String);
string filePath = "UploadedFiles\\" + fileName;
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, fileContent);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
Client Side Base64 string generation
public string ConvertFileToBase64String(string fileName)
byte[] fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
return Convert.ToBase64String(fileContent);
use the above method to convert your file to a string and send it to the web service as a string instead of byte array