I am working with a WebGrid, and I would like to have an image or character like "^" "v" in the header showing the column with the sort order.
How can I do this?
This is the code of one of my Webgrids:
<div id="contenedor-gridACTIVIDAD">
WebGrid gridACTIVIDAD = new WebGrid(Model.actividadDiaria, ajaxUpdateContainerId: "contenedor-gridACTIVIDAD", rowsPerPage: 20);
fillEmptyRows: true,
alternatingRowStyle: "fila-alternativa",
headerStyle: "encabezado-grid",
footerStyle: "pie-grid",
mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
firstText: "<<",
previousText: "<",
nextText: ">",
lastText: ">>",
columns: new[] {
gridACTIVIDAD.Column("contrato", header: "Contrato"),
gridACTIVIDAD.Column("Observacion", header: "Observación"),
gridACTIVIDAD.Column("DESCR", header: "Tarea"),
gridACTIVIDAD.Column("FECHA", header: "Fecha",
format: (item) =>
return item.fecha.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
header: "ESTADO",
format: (item) =>
if (item.estado == "VC")
return Html.Image("/Imagenes/vc.gif","Validado correcto", new { @border = "0"});
else if (item.estado == "VI")
return Html.Image("/Imagenes/vi.gif", "Validado incorrecto", new { @border = "0" });
else if (item.estado == "NV")
return Html.Image("/Imagenes/vp.gif", "No validado", new { @border = "0" });
return Html.Image("/Imagenes/nv.png", "Pendiente validar", new { @border = "0" });
gridACTIVIDAD.Column("JDP", header: "JDP")
I just did a google search on "webgrid sort indicator" and came back with a result from http://prokofyev.blogspot.com/2011/01/sort-indicator-in-systemwebhelperswebgr.html
Basically, the person uses jQuery to add in the sort direction image.
<script type="text/javascript">
$('thead > tr > th > a[href*="sort=@grid.SortColumn"]').parent()
.append('@(grid.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending ? "U" : "D")');
(As an added bonus, I just tested it myself, so you can copy and paste this code (the link one is a picture instead of a code sample :( ...) just replace the U and D with whatever you want to display instead.
Hope that helps.