I could be wrong, but the documentation is very vague. I will first explain how I am entering data and listing them.
async inserir(guiaQuestao: GuiaQuestao){
const refGuiaQuestoes = ref(this.db, 'guiaQuestoes');
return push(refGuiaQuestoes, {
questao: guiaQuestao.questao,
questaoResumida: guiaQuestao.questaoResumida
const questoesRef = ref(this.db, 'guiaQuestoes');
return listVal(questoesRef);
I checked the @angular/fire documentation, questions already asked here and discussions in the official repository. I hope someone here can help me update and remove items in the @angular/fire Database.
I would like to inform you that I finally managed it with the help of ChatGPT
. I had to correct it about 10 times each time an error appeared, but this way it does what I need:
map((questoes) => {
// Para cada snapshot, obtenha a chave e o valor associado
return questoes.map((questao) => {
const data = questao.snapshot.val(); // Valor do item
const key = questao.snapshot.key; // Chave do item
return { ...data, key }; // Adiciona a chave ao objeto
I used ChatGPT 3.5
and several times it gave me outdated information, such as methods that no longer exist in @angular/fire/database
. But if it weren't for him, I believe I wouldn't have made it.