Search code examples

MongoDB - Convert response into array of object in query

I wrote a simple query in MongoDB to get all data related to the product ID. Now I want to convert my response into an array of objects. Please see below.


db.collection.find({ "product_id": 1212 })

Getting response:

    "product_id": 1212,
    "name": "sprit",
    "category_id": 1234,
    "category": "drink"
    "product_id": 1212,
    "name": "sprit",
    "category_id": 2122,
    "category": "soda"
    "product_id": 1212,
    "name": "sprit",
    "category_id": 2121,
    "category": "mocktail"
    "product_id": 1212,
    "name": "sprit",
    "category_id": 2121,
    "category": "mocktail"

I want to convert the data in a different format by MongoDB query and remove duplicate category_id.

Required response:

    "product_id": 1212,
    "name": "sprit",
    "categogies": [
        "category_id": 1234,
        "category": "drink"
        "category_id": 2122,
        "category": "soda"
        "category_id": 2121,
        "category": "mocktail"


  • Group by product_id via $group and add distinct document into the categogies array via $addToSet.

        $match: {
          "product_id": 1212
        $group: {
          _id: "$product_id",
          name: {
            $first: "$name"
          categogies: {
            $addToSet: {
              "category_id": "$category_id",
              "category": "$category"
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          product_id: "$_id",
          name: "$name",
          categogies: "$categogies"

    Demo @ Mongo Playground