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Creating an Excel Pivot Table with Weekdays as Columns and Lessons as Rows for people


I have a dataset (xlsx) where teachers have recorded their availability for lessons throughout the week. Each entry includes the weekday and the lesson period (e.g., Monday Lesson 1 8:00-8:45). If they are note available there is a 1, otherwise the cell is empty. The rows contain the teachers names and the colums contain the weekday and the lesson period (Mo Lesson 1, Tue Lesson 1,..., Fr Lesson 11).

I want to create a Pivot Table in Excel where the columns represent weekdays (Monday to Friday) and the rows represent lesson periods (1st to 11th). Additionally, I want the ability to filter the Pivot Table based on specific teachers.

Could anyone guide me on how to efficiently structure my data and create such a Pivot Table? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

For the Pivot Table itself, I attempted to organize the data with weekdays as columns and lesson periods as rows. I expected that by dragging the appropriate fields into the Pivot Table's rows and columns, I would be able to achieve the desired matrix-like layout but it did not work.


  • Assuming your data looks something like this (4 teachers = 4 rows, 11 lessons * 5 days = 55 columns) where "1" populated cells = unavailable and blank cells = available :


    You should transform the data to look like this (long format) :


    It's been done here with PowerQuery (unpivot the 55 columns, splitting one of the resulting column into 3 columns ("Day";"Lesson";"Time") and replace blank data with 0).

    Then, you can produce a pivot table, like this one :


    With "Lessons" in rows field, "Day" in columns field, and "Teachers" in filter field. We also put "Availabality" in the filter area (0 : teacher's available ; 1 : teacher's not available). "Availability" is used to count in the "Values" area of the pivot table.

    EDIT : To automate the export in PDF format of one pivot table for each teacher, you could use VBA.

    Sub ExportPDFTeachers()
        Dim Feuille As Worksheet
        Dim PTFiltre As PivotTable
        Dim PF As PivotField
        Dim PItem As PivotItem
        Dim NomPDF As String
        ' Name of the sheet containing the pivot table
        Dim NomFeuille As String
        NomFeuille = "pivot_table"
        ' Name of the filter field to interact with
        Dim NomEnseignant As String
        NomEnseignant = "Teachers"
        ' Set the sheet containing the pivot table
        Set Feuille = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(NomFeuille)
        ' Set the pivot table
        Set PTFiltre = Feuille.PivotTables(1)
        ' Set the filter field inside the pivot table
        Set PF = PTFiltre.PivotFields(NomEnseignant)
       ' Clear all filters from the "Teachers" field
        ' Map each element of the "Teachers" field
        For Each PItem In PF.PivotItems
            ' Set all elements to false except the current element
            For Each Item In PF.PivotItems
                If Item.Name <> PItem.Name Then
                    Item.Visible = False
                End If
            Next Item
            ' Select the current item
            PItem.Visible = True
            ' Filename of the PDF
            NomPDF = PItem.Name & ".pdf"
            ' Export the sheet to PDF
            Feuille.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=NomPDF, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
            ' Clear the filter
        Next PItem
        MsgBox "PDF has been generated"
    End Sub

    Output :
