Im trying to assign the Databricks access connector to storahe account as the storage blob data contributor using this script
function Assign-RBACRoleToAccessConnector {
param (
[string] $rgName,
[string] $acName,
[string] $saName,
[string] $subscriptionId
# Get the object ID of the access connector
Write-Host "we are here 1"
$accessConnector = Get-AzDatabricksAccessConnector -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $acName
# $accessConnector = Get-AzDataBricksWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $acName
Write-Host "we are here 2"
$accessConnectorObjectId = $accessConnector.Identity.PrincipalId
Write-Host "Access Connector Object ID: $accessConnectorObjectId"
# Get the object ID of the storage account
# $storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $saName
# # $storageAccountObjectId = $storageAccount.Identity.PrincipalId
# Assign RBAC role to the access connector
az role assignment create --assignee $accessConnectorObjectId --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$rgName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$saName"
But it does not work! I tried to debug by getting the outputs one by one. first out put of $accessConnector
variable is successful I can see the detailed data, including the IdentityPrincipalId but then second output $accessConnectorObjectId
of this ariable is empty. I can get it therefore it results in error
Access Connector Object ID:
ERROR: argument --assignee: expected one argument
How can I fix this?
The issue is caused by a typo in $accessConnector.Identity.PrincipalId
, looking at Outputs from the Get-AzDatabricksAccessConnector
documentation we can see that the cmdlet outputs an object implementing the IAccessConnector
Interface and, if we look at the properties that for that interface we can see that the property name is .IdentityPrincipalId
instead of .Identity.PrincipalId
(a nested object with property .PrincipalId
under .Identity
basically). So you were actually getting null
for referencing a member that doesn't exist in your object and in consequence that error from the az CLI.
So, the fix of the issue:
$accessConnectorObjectId = $accessConnector.IdentityPrincipalId
Aside from that, I'd recommend you to use New-AzRoleAssignment
here, it would have given you a much better error message that would've helped debugging this problem much faster:
$newAzRoleAssignmentSplat = @{
ObjectId = $accessConnectorObjectId
RoleDefinitionName = 'Storage Blob Data Contributor'
Scope = "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$rgName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$saName"
New-AzRoleAssignment @newAzRoleAssignmentSplat