I have something like this:
Id Visit_Date Visit_code
A30 15May2004 Surgery
A30 05FEB2005 Office
B01 07DEC2002 Office
B01 21NOV2002 Surgery
And I need this, with a column indicating whether the person had a surgery within 6 months of their office visit
ID Office_Visit SX_past_6mo
A30 1 0
B01 1 1
I am trying things like this but having trouble with the sub query
proc sql;
select case when
case when
visit_type="Office" then 1 else 0 end as office_visit,
case when
visit_type="Office" and
DATEDIFF(MM, visit_date, select(visit_date where visit_type="Surgery") > 6 then 1 else 0 end as sx_past_6mo
group by Id
You need to join the table to itself. This code gives you each Surgery and the (First Office Visit After that Surgery), and (First Office Visit Months After that Surgery). I am not sure if you wanted the office visit before or after the surgery, but I went with after.
select pas.Id as ID, pas.Visit_Date as SurgeryDate, Min(pao.Visit_Date) as FirstOfficeDateAfterSurgery, DATEDIFF(MM, pas.Visit_Date,Min(pao.Visit_Date)) as FirstOfficeMonthsAfterSurgery,
when isnull(Min(pao.Visit_Date),'01/01/1900') = '01/01/1900' then 0
when DATEDIFF(MM, pas.Visit_Date,Min(pao.Visit_Date)) <= 6 then 1
else 0 end as SX_past_6mo
from PatientActivity pas
left join PatientActivity pao
on pas.Id = pao.Id
and pao.Visit_code = 'Office'
and pao.Visit_Date > pas.Visit_Date
where pas.Visit_code = 'Surgery'
group by pas.Id, pas.Visit_Date