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How to write Rails scope for this SQL query

I have an issue to get rows from database by multiple conditions.
I have a table Slot and SlotAlteration.

The slot has a time_off_id field.

SlotAlteration has two columns, slot_id and action. Action can be 0 or 1. Each slot can have up to two entries in the SlotAlteration table with action 0 and 1 (not 0 and 0, and not 1 and 1) or have no connections to SlotAlteration at all.

Query i need to convert into rails scope is

select *
from Slot s
where time_off_id is null
and not exists (
  select 1 from Slot 
  left outer join SlotAlteration a 
  on = a.slot_id 
  where a.action = 1
order by;

Alterr is SlotAlteration table

This is sql structure and query for visual representation.

My Slot model has association has_many :alterations

  scope :free, -> {
      .where(time_off_id: nil)
      .where.not(alterations: { action: 1 })

I tried that, but this is not select slots that are haven't alterations


  • I would add a dedicated has_many association for alternations with action = 1. Which means the associations might look like this:

    # in app/models/slot.rb
    has_many :alternations, class_name: 'SlotAlternation'
    has_many :action_1_alternations, -> { where(action: 1) }, class_name: 'SlotAlternation'

    Then you should be able to query for records without such an associated record.

      .where(time_off_id: nil)

    Note that the missing query method was introduced in Ruby on Rails 6.1 and is not available in Rails versions prior 6.1.