I have a C# application that needs to impersonate as an Azure app registration to access some resources.
I have set up federated credential to allow a managed identity to impersonate as the app. Therefore, I can use the code like below on a VM to impersonate as an app registration using managed identity credential:
var clientAssertionCredential = new ClientAssertionCredential(
tenantId, clientId, new ManagedIdentityClientAssertion(miClientId).GetSignedAssertion);
However, during development, I want to run the code locally.
Although I can create a client secret, store it in a KeyVault, and use it to authenticate as the app, I don't want to use this approach for security concerns.
Is it possible to impersonate as the app using a credential for a user account such as AzureCliCredential
or VisualStudioCredential
Although I can create a client secret, store it in KeyVault, and use it to authenticate as the app, I don't want to use this approach for security concerns. Is it possible to impersonate as the app using a credential for a user account, such as
Based on scenario, You can use the ROPC flow to authenticate with a user account and with an app to call an API.
client_id: ClientID
scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default offline_access openid
username: User@XXX.onmicrosoft.com
password: UserPassword
grant_type: password
client_secret: Clientsecret
From the above, you will get the token, and using the token, you can call the Microsoft Graph API.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me
Bearer <token>
To avoid passing the client_secret, enable public client flows as shown below.