Search code examples

Order within each product

I want to prioritize the sub_product within each product_id.

Product_id Sub_product Category
10101010 02020202 Superior
10101010 02020204 High-valued
0120202 0930303 High-valued
0120202 039303 VALUE
0303303 039302929 VALUE
0303303 0393342929 AddOn

Here is the expected results:

Product_id Sub_product Category Priority
10101010 02020202 Superior 1
10101010 02020204 High-valued 2
0120202 0930303 High-valued 1
0120202 039303 VALUE 2
0303303 039302929 VALUE 1
0303303 0393342929 AddOn 2

Order of priority:

Superior = 1
High-valued = 2
AddOn = 4

Using derived column, I can achieve the below output.

Product_id Sub_product Category Priority
10101010 02020202 Superior 1
10101010 02020204 High-valued 2
0120202 0930303 High-valued 2
0120202 039303 VALUE 3
0303303 039302929 VALUE 3
0303303 0393342929 AddOn 4

Is it possible to start the number from 1 for each product_id?


  • After derived column, you can use window transformation and group it over product_id column and apply rank() function for each group. Below are the steps in dataflow.

    • Give the Product_id column name in the over section of window settings.

    • Give the Priority column that is computed from derived column transformation step in sort section of window settings.

    • In Windows columns, give the column name Priority_new and expression as rank().

    • Below is the output data.