How can I handle all states of orientation event occurs?
Something like:
I know that onConfigurationChanged can handle orientation changes. And I tried this:
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration cfg) {
On saveState I store the lastIndex viewed on the Gallery on SharedPreferences. On loadState I get the lastIndex from the SharedPreferences and make it as the current on the Gallery.
I tried also put loadState in the onResume method but it's not called after the orientation change occurs.
before starting (save some screen states)
Use onSaveInstanceState()
and/or onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
and/or a fragment on which you have called setRetainInstance(true)
when happening (animation purposes)
That is handled by the OS.
after it's happen (load the screen state)
Use onRestoreInstanceState()
and/or getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
(if you went the fragment route, your data is just naturally still there)
I know that onConfigurationChanged can handle orientation changes.
@EightEight's answer covers this nicely.