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os_log debug is visible for external developer when distributing a framework


  • Build job generates Frameworks in Release configuration
  • Frameworks are packaged into an XCFramework
  • XCFramework is distributed to an external developer who integrates it with their app.

Problem: The external developer can see the logs originating from my framework in plain text when running the app in iOS Simulator.

Sample code

            private static let log = OSLog(subsystem: Constants.loggingSubsystem, category: String(describing: FrameworkName.self))
            os_log("Network response: %@", log: Self.log, type: .debug, String(describing: response))
            os_log("Network response data: %{private}@",
                   log: Self.log,
                   type: .debug,
                   String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)

Expected output: nothing, as both of the calls are set to be debug, so they should not produce any output in the Release build.

At least, the 2nd call should not show the network response data in plain text.

Observed output: Network response & data are printed in plain text for the external developer.


  • The solution is to not use OSLog and use it with a solution like SwiftyBeaver