I'm using Stripe Connect destination charges on charging a client but the output in Stripe dashboard payment details is not the same on the example provided in the documentation.
The image below is provided in the Documentation
The example shows a $10 charge. The $10 charge is then deducted with $1.23 for the application fee for the sum of $8.77 which will go to the connected account or merchant.
The Application fee of $1.23 will then be deducted from the stripe fee which is $0.59 (2.9+%30cents of the charge) amounting to $0.64.
I used the example curl code below to run the process but the output in the stripe dashboard is not the same as the example flow provided.
curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/checkout/sessions \
-u "sk_test_51LPByuBJiyP9Bsbcf887kxitVgP93...................:" \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][currency]"=usd \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]"=T-shirt \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][unit_amount]"=1000 \
-d "line_items[0][quantity]"=1 \
-d "payment_intent_data[application_fee_amount]"=123 \
-d "payment_intent_data[transfer_data][destination]"="acct_1PDLxkB4xpDA109n" \
-d mode=payment \
--data-urlencode success_url="https://example.com/success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}"
Below is the output in the stripe dashboard.
As you can see the net is different from the example provided in the stripe documentation. Is it the net for the platform account or the connected account? If it's for the platform account it should be $0.64, not $9.41, or if it's for the connected account it should be $8.77.
Is there anything in the stripe dashboard that I need to configure or maybe I just misunderstood the payment details?
-0.59 = 9.41 > This is the net amount on the Stripe Dashoard
-10 = -0.59
+1.23 = 0.64
Your straight profit as a platform for this charge is $0.64
At the end of this: