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Splitting SVN repositories

I have a giant VisualSVN repository with the following structure

└── ^/trunk
    ├── proj1
    │   └── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── proj2
    │   └── CMakeLists.txt
    └── projN
        └── CMakeLists.txt

5 years, and 19,000 commits later ... I want branching that actually works. So I'd like to split that repository into several smaller ones

├── ^/branches
└── ^/trunk
    └── CMakeLists.txt
├── ^/branches
└── ^/trunk
    └── CMakeLists.txt
├── ^/branches
└── ^/trunk
    └── CMakeLists.txt

How do I do this?

I'm happy to use client-commands svn mv to get the structure right, but the biggest thing is filtereing out all of content I don't want.

I've started by using svnadmin to create a 4GB dump file of the full repository

D:\Repositories> svnadmin dump D:\Repositories\common > common.dump
* Dumped revision 0.
* Dumped revision 1. 
* Dumped revision 18968.
* Dumped revision 18969.

Then I'm using svndumpfilter to reduce this to only the revisions related to the project of interest:

D:\Repositories> svndumpfilter  \
    --drop-empty-revs           \
    --renumber-revs             \
    include trunk/proj1         \
    < common.dump > proj1.dump
Including (and dropping empty revisions for) prefixes: 
Revision 0 committed as 0.
Revision 1 skipped.
Revision 2 skipped.
Revision 561 committed as 1.
Revision 669 committed as 2.
Revision 13514 committed as 36.
svndumpfilter: E200003: Invalid copy source path: '/trunk/proj2/file' for `/trunk/proj1/file`

This failed because there was an svn mv ^/trunk/proj2/file ^/trunk/proj1/file performed at some point. I can deal with that by simply adding another include:

D:\Repositories> svndumpfilter             \
    --drop-empty-revs                      \
    --renumber-revs                        \
    include                                \
        trunk/proj1                        \
        trunk/proj2/file                   \
    < common.dump > proj1.dump
Revision 13515 comitted as 38.
svndumpfilter: E200003: Missing merge source path '/branches/proj1-tests'; try with --skip-missing-merge-sources

Getting closer, and I don't really need merge history, so I'll do what's recommended and add --skip-missing-merge-sources

D:\Repositories> svndumpfilter             \
    --drop-empty-revs                      \
    --renumber-revs                        \
    --skip-missing-merge-sources           \
    include                                \
        trunk/proj1                        \
        trunk/proj2/file                   \
    < common.dump > proj1.dump

Success! In reality, I have about 100 things that I've included. Now I'd like to use this to create that new repository:

D:\Repositories> svnadmin create proj1
D:\Repositories> svnadmin load --ignore-uuid proj1 < proj1.dump
<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 1
    * editing path : trunk/proj2/file 
    ...svnadmin: E160013: File not found: transaction '0-0', path '/trunk/proj2/file'

And now I'm stuck. How do I deal with that?


  • The problem is the revision which created trunk/proj2 isn't included. You could add include trunk/proj2, but you could end up adding the whole tree and that just defeats the purpose of filtering.

    Then you could spend time refining your filters, but there's a script deployed with svnadmin that already does that: svnrdump.

    D:\Repositories> svnrdump dump file:///Repositories/common/trunk/proj1 > proj1.dump
    D:\Repositories> svnadmin create proj1
    D:\Repositories> svnadmin load proj1 < proj1.dump
    D:\Repositories> del proj1.dump

    Or using piping:

    D:\Repositories> svnadmin create proj1
    D:\Repositories> svnrdump dump file:///Repositories/common/trunk/proj1 | svnadmin load proj1

    Then checkout a working copy and svn mv as appropriate.

    D:\Temp> svn checkout file:///Repositories/proj1 proj1.wc
    D:\Temp> cd proj1.wc
    D:\Temp> svn move trunk/proj1/* trunk/
    D:\Temp> svn remove trunk/proj1
    D:\Temp> svn commit

    There might be a way to include --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs, but I haven't found it yet. I tried the following but it didn't filter out very much:

    svnrdump dump file:///Repositories/common/trunk/proj1 > proj1.dump
    svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs include / < proj1.dump > proj1-filtered.dump
    svnadmin load proj1 < proj1-filtered.dump