I'm trying to extract property condition from estate description. In particular, any property being renovated in 2020 or above should be tagged as "JUST_RENOVATED" whereas if the renovation took place before 2020, it should simply be tagged as "GOOD".
Here is an example :
Given the following description :
Entièrement rénovée en 2017, cette jolie maison 2 chambres vous séduira par ses pièces épurées et lumineuses. PEB exceptionnel (PEB A) grâce à la qualité d'isolation utilisée. Faible consommation de gaz pour le chauffage central. Châssis triple vitrage. Cuisine ouverte entièrement équipée. Installation électrique aux normes RGIE. Compteur bi-horaire. Pour plus de renseignements et pour participer aux prochaines visites, merci de contacter l'agence immobilière ASTON & PARTNERS au 081/30.44.44.
Property condition should be "GOOD".
However, GPT seems to have difficulties to understand time window. It will generally tag is as "JUST_RENOVATED" justifying it is in the renovation time window (despite 2017 being before 2020).
Here's the prompt I used, How can I improve it ?
Extract the property condition based on descriptions.
Follow this order of decision :
1. Tag any property that has been renovated recently (i.e. 2020 and above) by "JUST_RENOVATED". If renovation have been made before 2020, tag by "GOOD".
2. Tag any property that has been recently build or is a project by "AS_NEW".
3. Tag any property with need of restorations by "TO_RENOVATE".
4. Tag any property in good condition (i.e. good energetic performance) by "GOOD".
5. If none of the above tag suit the description, tag by "NOT_FOUND".
Answer only with the tag.
Eventually, the python code if that can help:
def debug_prompt(description):
intro_message = f"""
Extract the property condition based on descriptions.
Follow this order of decision :
1. Tag any property that has been renovated recently (i.e. 2020 and above) by "JUST_RENOVATED". If renovation have been made before 2020, tag by "GOOD".
2. Tag any property that has been recently build or is a project by "AS_NEW".
3. Tag any property with need of restorations by "TO_RENOVATE".
4. Tag any property in good condition (i.e. good energetic performance) by "GOOD".
5. If none of the above tag suit the description, tag by "NOT_FOUND".
Answer only with the tag.
system_message = [{"role": "system", "content": intro_message}]
debug_prompt = [{
"role": "user",
"content": f"""
Extract the estate condition from the following description: '''{description}'''.
messages = system_message + debug_prompt
response = client.chat.completions.create(
for response in response.choices:
I have used your system and prompt messages with the API, and gpt-3.5-turbo responds with: GOOD, which is the desired result - so I am not too sure why you are not getting the same. I get the same from gpt-4-turbo, and this often gives better results than 3.5-turbo, so I would suggest that you try this.
Also the degree of attention allocated to System messages is sometimes questionable, and I would suggest that you also try to move the information from the System message to the main prompt. I find that this gives good results, and in the case of your data, both gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4-turbo again returned the desired result of GOOD.
As a check I also changed the date of renovation in the data to 2022 in the last tests, and both LLMs correctly returned: JUST_RENOVATED.
Note that (as with your code) all tests were carried out at a temperature of zero for reproducibility.