I am new to frontend development and currently trying to implement Google login in my login. I want my frontend to send google token to my backend when i click on login with google.
When this Button is clicked, I don't know how but in my frontend i want to send the google token to my backend to validate.
<a className={styles.continue_with_email} href="">
Continue With Email
Is this possible? I am sorry if you did not get my question.
npm install @react-oauth/google@latest
Get your Google API client ID (here)
Configure your OAuth Consent Screen (here)
Wrap your application with GoogleOAuthProvider and create the button.
import { GoogleOAuthProvider, GoogleLogin } from "@react-oauth/google";
export default function LoginByGoogleComponent() {
const handleLogin = (credentialResponse) => {
// this contains the response from google you can get the token from here
const handleLoginError = (err) => {
console.log("Login Failed");
return (
<GoogleOAuthProvider clientId="<your_client_id>">
<GoogleLogin onSuccess={handleLogin} onError={handleLoginError} />
or if you want to use a custom button
import { useGoogleLogin } from '@react-oauth/google';
const login = useGoogleLogin({
onSuccess: tokenResponse => console.log(tokenResponse),
<button onClick={() => login()}>Sign in with Google 🚀</button>;
checkout the google oauth button package readme for more info here https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-oauth/google