Does anyone have an example of how to use Coil3 for image loading in a native iOS in a KMM project? I have managed to set it up for android, using a common ImageLoader
, but i can't figure out how to set it up for iOS. FYI this is not a Compose Multiplatform project, just shared Kotlin logic and native UI per platform
Googled examples, everything seems to point to compose multiplatform, but I need native implementation, if it exists.
Coil3 documentation says:
On non-Android platforms, Coil uses Skiko to render images. Skiko is a set of Kotlin bindings that wrap the Skia graphics engine developed by Google.
returns Deferred<ImageResult>
which in it's order has coil3.Image
field inside. In nonAndroid platforms coil3.Image
interface contains method toBitmap()
to get org.jetbrains.skia.Bitmap
So, get images in SwiftUI (get UIImage
object) we have to solve two tasks:
to ImageResult
I would recommend to use this plugin:skie = { id = "co.touchlab.skie", version.ref = "skie"}
Read more here:
to UIImage
Here is example:
import coil3.Image
import kotlinx.cinterop.ExperimentalForeignApi
import kotlinx.cinterop.refTo
import org.jetbrains.skia.Bitmap
import org.jetbrains.skia.Image.Companion.makeFromBitmap
import platform.CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate
import platform.CoreGraphics.CGColorRenderingIntent
import platform.CoreGraphics.CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB
import platform.CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData
import platform.CoreGraphics.CGImageAlphaInfo
import platform.CoreGraphics.CGImageCreate
import platform.CoreGraphics.kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little
import platform.UIKit.UIImage
fun convertImage(image: Image): UIImage? {
val bitmap: Bitmap = image.toBitmap()
val skikoImage = makeFromBitmap(bitmap)
val skikoImagePixelMap = skikoImage.peekPixels()
if (skikoImagePixelMap != null) {
val cfDataRef = CFDataCreate(
allocator = null,
bytes = skikoImagePixelMap.buffer.bytes.asUByteArray().refTo(0),
length = skikoImagePixelMap.buffer.size.toLong()
val cgImageRef = CGImageCreate(
width = skikoImage.width.toULong(),
height = skikoImage.height.toULong(),
bitsPerComponent = 8u,
bitsPerPixel = 32u,
bytesPerRow = (skikoImage.width * 4).toULong(),
space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(),
bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little or CGImageAlphaInfo.kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst.value,
provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(cfDataRef),
decode = null,
shouldInterpolate = true,
intent = CGColorRenderingIntent.kCGRenderingIntentDefault
return UIImage(cGImage = cgImageRef)
return null
It worth to mention few things:
annotation says that API still in experemental mode.Task
)I hope it will help you.