I need to composite a soft light layer on top of a base image using 50% opacity. The following works, but is there a faster or more efficient way to achieve the same thing?
magick base.tif -alpha Off -compose SoftLight softlight.tif -composite fullSoftLightComp.tif
magick base.tif fullSoftLightComp.tif -compose dissolve -define compose:args=50,100 -composite compHalfLight.tif
With Imagemagick, you could try on unix-like systems
magick base.tif -alpha off ( softlight.tif -evaluate multiply 0.5 ) -compose softlight -composite compHalfLight.tif
on Windows remove the \ from before the parentheses, so
Does that do what you want? Probably not, since you are doing 2 composites.
You could try adjusting the 0.5 fraction to match.