Search code examples

How to add button inside action saw tooth in Odoo 17

I have a button in the first red frame, I want to put it in the saw wheel icon, how do I write js to do that?

I am in the treeview of model hr.employee.


  • You need to define an action menu item and add it to the cogMenu

    Action Item

    /** @odoo-module **/
    import { Component } from "@odoo/owl";
    import { DropdownItem } from "@web/core/dropdown/dropdown_item";
    import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
    import { STATIC_ACTIONS_GROUP_NUMBER } from "@web/search/action_menus/action_menus";
    const cogMenuRegistry = registry.category("cogMenu");
    export class CustomAction extends Component {
        static template = "web.CustomAction";
        static components = { DropdownItem };
        async onClick() {
    export const CustomActionItem = {
       Component: CustomAction,
       isDisplayed: async (env) =>
           env.config.viewType === "list" &&
           !env.model.root.selection.length && 
           env.searchModel.resModel === 'hr.employee'
    cogMenuRegistry.add("custom-action-menu", CustomActionItem, { sequence: 19 });

    Action template

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <templates xml:space="preserve">
        <t t-name="web.CustomAction">
            <DropdownItem class="'o_custom_action_menu'" onSelected.bind="onClick">
                <i class="fa fa-fw fa-bars me-1"/>Custom Action

    Add the files the backend assets bundle

    'assets': {
            'web.assets_backend': [