There is a table storing name, speed and timestamp of cars. Each car sends its speed at irregular time intervals, some send more often, some may have not sent their data for a couple of hours, simplified example (real table has 20 cars and roughly 3000 lines each):
name | speed | timestamp |
yellow | 100 | 1707532681 |
yellow | 110 | 1707532661 |
yellow | 120 | 1707532621 |
yellow | 110 | 1707532631 |
yellow | 140 | 1707532681 |
red | 100 | 1707432681 |
red | 120 | 1707332681 |
red | 150 | 1707232681 |
red | 170 | 1707532681 |
I would like to get the average speed for each car for their individual (!) last 24 hours. I am struggling to get that into a single SQL-statement. Have tried with multiple SELECT and IN, MAX and AVG functions without luck. Any help is appreciated.
I have tried to get the MAX of each car: SELECT name, MAX(timestamp) AS s FROM data GROUP BY name
And put this into another SELECT: SELECT AVG(speed) FROM data WHERE (name, timestamp) IN (SELECT name, MAX(timestamp) AS s FROM data GROUP BY name) AND timestamp > s - 86400
But the latter is breaking because s is unknown - of course it is. How do I get it into the other SELECT then? I need the MAX value of each timestamp because each car has its own last speed measurement from which it should go 24 hours back and calculate the average. Hope this makes it more clear.
If you just want the name and the average speed for the 24 hours up to the most recent report, you can use GROUP BY
and MAX
to get the most recent timestamp
and a correlated subquery for the average speed:
(SELECT AVG(speed) FROM data WHERE name = AND timestamp >= (MAX(d.timestamp) - 86400)) AS avg_speed_24h
FROM data d
GROUP BY name;
Alternatively, if you want the full set of rows as provided by wandering-geek, there is no need to convert from unix timestamps:
AVG(speed) OVER (
ORDER BY `timestamp`
) AS avg_speed_24h
FROM data;
Here's a db<>fiddle.
Note: The average of some point in time speeds does not give you a meaningful average speed. For that you would need distance travelled and time taken.