Editing to better address my question.
Have a variable x that represents day of the year, so 1-365. There are some days that are not allowed. So I create a list with the valid day options and then a pyomo set with model.jan = pyo.Set(initialize=month_lists[1])
I define my mapping as follows:
def x_domain(model, i, j):
domain_mapping = {
0: model.pdec,
1: model.jan,
2: model.feb,
return domain_mapping.get(i)
Then create my variable x:
model.x = pyo.Var(model.months, model.cycles, domain=x_domain)
The domain looks exactly as I would expect when I inspect it, but the solver is still finding solutions that violate the domain. January Domain
Key | Lower | Value | Upper | Fixed | Stale | Domain
(1, 6) : 1 : 7.0 : 31 : False : False : jan
So the variable finds 7 as a value when that is explicitly not in the domain.
I can figure out other ways to write this up, just confused as to why this approach does not seem to work. The pyomo documentation seems to support discrete integer sets.
I would model this differently. In pseudo-code:
set wd (working days)
binary variable x(wd)
sum(wd,x(wd)) = 1
It may be easier to make wd a large one-dimensional set (instead of (month,dayofmonth) tuple).