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PyX Python: How to change the font size in the color bar?

Suppose you have the Python PyX code (from here):

 g = graph.graphxy(height=8, width=8,
              x=graph.axis.linear(min=re_min, max=re_max, title=r"$\Re(c)$"),
              y=graph.axis.linear(min=im_min, max=im_max, title=r'$\Im(c)$'))
g.plot(, x=1, y=2, color=3, title="iterations"),

with the resulting plot

enter image description here

Question: How to change the font size in the color bar to make the 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 larger?


  • The easiest way to change all font sizes is to change the xscale, like unit.set(xscale=2).

    To specifically change the size of the labels of the key graph, you need to pass your own keygraph and provide proper settings to the axis painter. Here is the code:

    kg = graph.graphx(xpos=9, length=8, x_title="iterations", x_painter_labelattrs=[text.size.Large])
    g.plot(, x=1, y=2, color=3),
           [, keygraph=kg)])