I am trying to webscrape the table from the following page using R (rvest)
However I noticed that the table itself has 3 pages but when I click to the 2nd and 3rd page the URL does not change at all.
Does anyone know how to webscrape the 147 rows from the table using R please?
I have tried the following with no luck
page <- read_html("https://www.nba.com/stats/players/passing?DateFrom=02/07/2024&DateTo=02/07/2024&dir=1")
contentnodes <-page %>% html_nodes ("div.l-content.pre-quench") %>%
html_attr("q-data") %>% jsonlite::fromJSON()
Thanks in advance
To complete with an rvest
solution (it's wiser to use the API option as suggested by @Kat) :
### Setup chromote which is used by rvest (path to MS Edge is used here)
CHROMOTE_CHROME = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe"
### Load the package
### Interact with the webpage (selecting the button to load all the results, then display them)
a$click(css = 'div[class*="Pagination_pageDropdown"] select',n_clicks = 1)
a$press(css='div[class*="Pagination_pageDropdown"] select',key_code = 'ArrowUp')
a$scroll_into_view(css = 'div[class*="FooterLegalSection_legalCopy"]')
a %>% html_elements(css='table[class*="Crom_table"]') %>% html_table()
Output :
# A tibble: 213 × 16
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A.J. Lawson DAL 7 5 2 2.3 1.6
2 AJ Green MIL 6 2 4 11.2 9.3
3 Aaron Gordon DEN 12 7 5 37.1 38
4 Aaron Nesmith IND 13 8 5 32.7 35.6
5 Aaron Wiggins OKC 10 6 4 15.7 12.2
6 Al Horford BOS 10 8 2 28.6 28.1
7 Alec Burks NYK 6 2 4 20.1 17.5
8 Amir Coffey LAC 6 2 4 18.7 13
9 Andre Jackson Jr. MIL 5 1 4 11.9 16.6
10 Andrew Nembhard IND 13 8 5 32 39
# ℹ 203 more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: PassesReceived <dbl>, AST <dbl>,
# SecondaryAST <dbl>, PotentialAST <dbl>,
# `AST PTSCreated` <dbl>, `AST PTSCreated` <dbl>,
# ASTAdj <dbl>, `AST ToPass%` <dbl>,
# `AST ToPass% Adj` <lgl>
EDIT : To get data for each day, in a less reliable way than the API, we can use something like this :
### Load the package
### Setup chromote which is used by rvest (path to MS Edge is used here)
CHROMOTE_CHROME = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe"
### Load the packages
### Declare columns names.
### They'll be used to fix the table returned by rvest later
colnames = c(
### Get the dates of every match of the regular season
### We use basketball-reference.com here
### The regular season starts in october and ends in april
### We get the url of each month
urls=calendrier %>% html_elements(xpath = '//div[@class="filter"]//a') %>% html_attr("href")
### Function to get the date from each url
ext_dates = function(x) {
a = read_html(x)
b = a %>%
html_element(xpath = "//table") %>%
html_table %>% select(Date,Notes)
### We apply the function for each page (month)
cal=map(season,ext_dates,.progress = TRUE)
### We bind the result and extract the dates before the 16th april (end of the regular season)
dates=bind_rows(cal) %>%
filter(Notes==""|is.na(Notes)) %>%
select(-Notes) %>%
mutate(fix_date=mdy(Date)) %>%
filter(fix_date<ymd("2024-04-16")) %>%
mutate(fix_date=as.character(fix_date)) %>%
distinct() %>%
### We write a function to read and extract data for each date
### Note we're using "Sys.sleep" in order to wait for the page to load completely
### The code can manage when the data is splitted on multiple pages or not
nba = function(x) {
a = read_html_live(url)
c = a %>% html_element('div[class*="Pagination_pageDropdown"] select') %>% length()
if (c != 0) {
a$press(css = 'div[class*="Pagination_pageDropdown"] select', key_code = 'ArrowUp')
a$scroll_into_view(css = 'div[class*="FooterLegalSection_legalCopy"]')
temp = a %>% html_element(css = 'table[class*="Crom_table"]') %>% html_table() %>%
setNames(colnames) %>%
select(-dummy) %>%
mutate(date = x, .before = 1)
### We apply the function to each date and bind the results
out=map(dates,possibly(nba,tibble(date=NA_character_)),.progress = TRUE)
### We can check if all dates have been correctly scraped with
### If there's some missing data, we rerun the code for these specific dates
out_2=map(check_dates,possibly(nba,tibble(date=NA_character_)),.progress = TRUE)
### We combine the second table with the first one to have a complete dataset
test=fin %>% filter(!is.na(PLAYER)) %>% bind_rows(fix) %>% arrange(date)
### We check if there's still missing data with
test %>% filter(is.na(PLAYER))
Output (~24.5K rows):
# A tibble: 24,617 × 16
date PLAYER TEAM GP W L MIN PassesMade PassesReceived AST SecondaryAST PotentialAST AST_PTSCreated ASTAdj `AST_ToPass%`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2023-10-24 Aaron Go… DEN 1 1 0 35 32 27 5 0 10 12 5 15.6
2 2023-10-24 Andrew W… GSW 1 0 1 27.3 15 20 0 1 1 0 1 0
3 2023-10-24 Anthony … LAL 1 0 1 34.2 41 39 4 1 6 10 5 9.8
4 2023-10-24 Austin R… LAL 1 0 1 31.3 39 37 4 0 8 9 4 10.3
5 2023-10-24 Braxton … DEN 1 1 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 2023-10-24 Cam Redd… LAL 1 0 1 17.6 8 5 0 0 1 0 0 0
7 2023-10-24 Chris Pa… GSW 1 0 1 34.2 66 69 9 1 24 24 11 13.6
8 2023-10-24 Christia… DEN 1 1 0 19.3 25 23 2 0 3 5 2 8
9 2023-10-24 Christia… LAL 1 0 1 15.5 10 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 2023-10-24 Collin G… DEN 1 1 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# ℹ 24,607 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: `AST_ToPass%_Adj` <dbl>
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
Note : stats for the 9th March 2024 are missing from the NBA website.