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PowerShell, how to press a button on a web form

The page is a form that lets you define what will be in the autounatted.xml to use with automated installations of Windows, and results in a URL that contains all of these options. Now that I have exactly what I want from the options in the form, I want to then press the Download file button that is on the form so that I can get the autounattend.xml onto my system. I've been trying the below without success. Maybe I am using the wrong approach to collect this XML file?

How can I use this URL and trigger the Download file button on this page (or any other way in PowerShell that I can collect the relevant XML data for the autounattend.xml)?

# URL of the page
$url = ""

try {
    # Send request to the page
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url

    # Parse the HTML response
    $html = $response.ParsedHtml

    # Find the download button element
    $downloadButton = $html.querySelector('.btn.btn-primary')

    if ($downloadButton -eq $null) {
        Write-Host "Download button not found."

    # Extract the download link
    $downloadLink = $downloadButton.getAttribute('href')

    # Download the file
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadLink -OutFile "autounattend.xml"
    Write-Host "File downloaded successfully."
catch {
    Write-Host "Error occurred: $_"


  • No need for clicking a button – just use the view or download actions:

    $url = '';
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile "$env:TEMP\autounattend.xml";

    Source: I am the author of that service.