I am cracking my head open with this: I am building a simple password generator which uses a pattern created by the user. The pattern contains the letters a-f which stand for 6 character groups:
So, if the user enters ababcd, he/she will get something like abce1!
The pattern Ababababababccd would generate something like Robuxejiqu23#
Since Ababababababccd seems hardly readable I want to give the possibility to abbreviate this with repetitions:
Ababababababccd could be written as Ab(ab){5}ccd
or even Ab(ab){5}c{2}d
(which would be dumb, but for completeness).
The [ab] comes into play if want to have either a character from group a or group b.
I have "built" a suitable Regex expression which captures the repetitions in following combinations:
would become aaa
would become abab
becomes either ab
or aa
or ba
The regex expression I built so far finds all the cases above:
My working Ruby code looks like this, but it'd like find a more elegant solution:
# class
REPETITION = /(?:(\[[abcdef]+\])|\(([\[\]abcdef]+)\)|([abcdef]))\{(\d+)\}/i
GROUPS = /\[([abcdefxyz]+)\]/i;
# method generate
pattern = params[:pattern]
group = {
'A' => params[:group_a].upcase,
'a' => params[:group_a],
'B' => params[:group_b].upcase,
'b' => params[:group_b],
'C' => params[:group_c].upcase,
'c' => params[:group_c],
'D' => params[:group_d].upcase,
'd' => params[:group_d],
'E' => params[:group_e].upcase,
'e' => params[:group_e],
'F' => params[:group_f].upcase,
'f' => params[:group_f]
# Evaluate repetitions: ...{n}
if pattern =~ REPETITION
pattern.gsub!(REPETITION) do
match = $1 != nil ? $1 : $2 != nil ? $2 : $3
count.times do
# Evaluate character groups [...]
if pattern =~ GROUPS
pattern.gsub!(GROUPS) do
# Evaluate the final pattern (repetitions and []-groups processed)
pattern.each_char do |c|
My idea is to find all occurences and replace the repetitions with the expanded repetitions so that Ab(ab){5}ccd
becomes Ababababababccd
which I process afterwards.
My assumption is that .gsub
handles each occurences individually and and I can replace each match with its suitable pattern and count. If gsub tries to replace all of them at once it will be the wrong method.
For me it's not relevant which of the groups in (?:a|b|c){count} matches, but the match should be returned as $1 and the count as $2.
The above regex leads to the matches $1, $2, $3 and $4. $4 is always my repetition count. But then I have to find out which $1 .. $3 is not nil
and use it to expand. I could to the "cheap" case and if through the cases but I want to have an elegant solution.
In regex101 I got it to work with (?|
but Ruby does not understand that.
I hope it is clear what I want!?
In Typescript and C# I got it working and now I want it to work in Ruby... :-)
Here is what I came up with to handle the provided cases.
REPETITION = /(\[[abcdef]+\]|\([\[\]abcdef]+\)|[abcdef])(?:\{(\d+)\})?/i
'a' => 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz',
'b' => 'aeiou',
'c' => '0123456789',
'd' => '!$%&/()=?*+#_.,:;_'
}.then {|h| h.merge(h.map {|k,v| [k.upcase,v.upcase]}.to_h)}
def expand(str)
str.scan(REPETITION).map do |group, count|
sub_pattern = group.start_with?('(') ? group[/(?<=\()(.*)(?=\))/, 1] : group
count ? sub_pattern * count.to_i : sub_pattern
end.join.gsub(/\[.*?\]/) {|match| match[1..-2].chars.shuffle.first}
def generate(str, groups=GROUPS)
expanded = expand(str)
puts "Expansion: #{expanded}"
expanded.each_char.sum(""){|c| groups[c][rand(groups[c].length)]}
Example output:
patterns = ['(ab){2}','a{3}','[ab]{2}','(a[bc]d){16}','Ab(ab){5}ccd','Ab(ab){5}c{2}d']
patterns.each do |pattern|
puts "-------Pattern: #{pattern}-------"
puts "Generated: #{generate(pattern)}"
# -------Pattern: (ab){2}-------
# Expansion: abab
# Generated: niha
# -------Pattern: a{3}-------
# Expansion: aaa
# Generated: svh
# -------Pattern: [ab]{2}-------
# Expansion: ba
# Generated: ak
# -------Pattern: (a[bc]d){16}-------
# Expansion: abdacdabdabdabdabdabdacdacdacdacdabdabdacdabdabd
# Generated: lu+s5$cu%ye#re+mo%qu)s4?c1*h8(l5!ja*zu?g9_lu/ze!
# -------Pattern: Ab(ab){5}ccd-------
# Expansion: Ababababababccd
# Generated: Meqonicovala75!
# -------Pattern: Ab(ab){5}c{2}d-------
# Expansion: Ababababababccd
# Generated: Pezotuwegona98#
We match the repetitions, expand them by the count, and then replace the XORs to expand the full pattern.
Then we simply lookup each character from the GROUPS
hash and select a random element.
Note: this does not handle other cases such as: