Greyed Out Version Delete button on Versions tab ( PowerApps)
Hello All,
On a particular PowerApps app , I have an admin rights so can update or publish the app but cannot delete any of the versions.
The Delete button is disable even for the newer versions ( not older than 6 months ) .
Is there any setting I can change the delete the older versions on admin-centre or somewhere ?
I don't have this problem for other apps actually.
I want to delete the older versions easily, It makes me confused on version managements.
As discussed in comments section above, I think you are unable to delete the previous versions of the canvas application because you are not primary owner of the application.
So, you have two options as given below:
For 2nd option, you can do it using Microsoft Power Apps PowerShell. For more details, check this Microsoft official article:
Updating ownership for Power Apps apps
PowerShell commands to use:
# Install required PowerShell modules
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell – AllowClobber
# Run the Add-PowerAppsAccount cmtlet allowing you to add your account for Power Apps
# Replace app owner
Set-AdminPowerAppOwner -AppName "<appId>" -EnvironmentName "<envId>" -AppOwner $Global:currentSession.userId