I'm encountering an error when opening my solution in Visual Studio. The Package Manager Console displays an error related to initializing the EntityFramework package.
Here are the details:
NuGet Package Manager settings:
Package Manager Console:
Each package is licensed to you by its owner. NuGet is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Some packages may include dependencies which are governed by additional licenses. Follow the package source (feed) URL to determine any dependencies.
Package Manager Console Host Version
Type 'get-help NuGet' to see all available NuGet commands.
Test-ModuleManifest : The specified module 'E:\AIUB\ADVANCED PROGRAMMING WITH .NET
[A]\LAB\Asp.NET-Builds\Sp24_A\WebAPIAppLayer\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.4\tools\EntityFramework6.psd1' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module
At E:\AIUB\ADVANCED PROGRAMMING WITH .NET [A]\LAB\Asp.NET-Builds\Sp24_A\WebAPIAppLayer\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.4\tools\init.ps1:17 char:19
+ ... eToImport = Test-ModuleManifest (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'EntityFrame ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (E:\AIUB\ADVANCE...Framework6.psd1:String) [Test-ModuleManifest], FileNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Modules_ModuleNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestModuleManifestCommand
Import-Module : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is null.
At E:\AIUB\ADVANCED PROGRAMMING WITH .NET [A]\LAB\Asp.NET-Builds\Sp24_A\WebAPIAppLayer\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.4\tools\init.ps1:33 char:19
+ Import-Module $moduleToImport
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Import-Module], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand
I have tried restarting VS multiple times and made sure of the existence of that package. global dotnet commands works in PMC, but I want the EF package related commands to work here
The solution I found to this was by manually importing the module using the following command:
Import-Module 'E:\AIUB\ADVANCED PROGRAMMING WITH .NET [A]\LAB\Asp.NET-Builds\Sp24_A\WebAPIAppLayer\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.4\tools\EntityFramework6.psd1'