I need to do this action once under certain conditions in a for loop to stop duplicates appearing in the checkboxes. Theoretically, this should work I believe but when the conditions are met for this if statement (cycles == 1 & len(tasks) > 1) it skips over the statement anyway which really confuses me. I have been trying to debug this with breakpoints but I can't figure it out.
tasks = [a, b]
def addToList():
cycles = 0
for x in range(len(tasks)):
cycles += 1
if cycles == 1 & len(tasks) > 1:
checkList = Checkbutton(viewTab,text=tasks[x])
The issue lies in the way you're using the '&' operator. In Python '&' is a bitwise AND operator, not a logical AND operator. For logical AND, you should use 'and'
So, instead of:
if cycles == 1 & len(tasks) > 1:
You should use:
if cycles == 1 and len(tasks) > 1: