I have a locals variable defined as so:
locals {
subnets = {
# AWS Account:
"222222222222" = {
# Environment name:
"prod" = {
"us-west-2" : ["subnet-11111111111", "subnet-22222222", "subnet-3333333", "subnet-333333"]
"default" = {
"us-east-2" : split(",", data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_subnets)
# and I can reference it like so:
subnet_ids = local.subnets[var.aws_account_id][var.environment][var.region]
Unfortunately, the only two possible keys for var.enviroment
are "prod" or "default".
What I really want to do is: (pseudo code):
if var.environment is not a key in local.subnets[var.aws_account_id], then use the "default" value for var.environment.
Is this possible in terraform?
The following example should be easy enough to understand and solve your issue.
Sample code:
variable "aws_account_id" {
type = string
description = "AWS account ID."
default = "222222222222"
variable "environment" {
type = string
description = "Environment name."
variable "region" {
type = string
description = "AWS region."
default = "us-west-2"
locals {
subnets = {
# AWS Account:
"222222222222" = {
# Environment name:
"prod" = {
"us-west-2" : ["subnet-11111111111", "subnet-22222222", "subnet-3333333", "subnet-333333"]
"default" = {
"us-east-2" : ["subnet-default-1", "subnet-default-2"]
selected_account = local.subnets[var.aws_account_id]
selected_environment = can(local.selected_account[var.environment]) ? var.environment : "default"
selected_subnets = local.selected_account[local.selected_environment]
output "selected_environment" {
value = local.selected_environment
description = "Selected environment."
output "selected_subnets" {
value = local.selected_subnets
description = "Selected subnets."
Running terraform plan -var environment=qa
(non-existing environment):
Changes to Outputs:
+ selected_environment = "default"
+ selected_subnets = {
+ us-east-2 = [
+ "subnet-default-1",
+ "subnet-default-2",
Running terraform plan -var environment=prod
(existing environment):
Changes to Outputs:
+ selected_environment = "prod"
+ selected_subnets = {
+ us-west-2 = [
+ "subnet-11111111111",
+ "subnet-22222222",
+ "subnet-3333333",
+ "subnet-333333",