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Use object key values as keys on new object

Trying to get better with data mutating in vanilla JS and have not been successful here.

I am just trying to use the values of one object to create keys for another format.

Also tried things like string interpolation ${} etc, can someone please show my error? The example in comment is what I'm after so like

var = { x: 'left', y: 'top', z: 'front' } => becomes => {left: top, extra: { front: true }

but obviously struggling with syntax, thank you!

const obj1 = {
  aKey: 'a_value',
  bKey: 'b_value',
  cKey: 'c_value'

/************************* pseudo what I want to turn this into:
  obj2 = {
    [a_value]: [b_value],
    adhocKey: {
      [c_value]: true

const obj2 = {
  obj1[aKey]: obj1[bKey],
  adhocKey: {
    obj1[cKey]: true

const obj3 = {
  obj1.aKey: obj1.bKey,
  adhocKey: {
    obj1.cKey]: true

See description details


  • You can use the value of x (or z) as a key by using the bracket-notation e.g. [x]: ...

    To get the value of y, you should use the dot-notation.

      original = { x: 'left', y: 'top', z: 'front' },
      result = { [original.x]: original.y, extra: { [original.z]: true } };
    console.log(result); // { left: top, extra: { front: true }