I'm playing with AIFF files, which include an 80-bit "extended" format value which defines the sample rate. Since neither my language of choice, R
, nor my desktop Mac, natively supports this size, I need to write conversion code. Given the data structure of the bits, as shown here, and in this image from that page
Can I simply truncate the 'fraction' part on the assumption that I'll never see a sample rate of that high a precision? That is, can I grab the 64 bits starting on the left and treat them as a double float? Note that the number of valid bits in the exponent must be truncated as well, per the chart in this question
A minimal example: I verified the sample rate in a test file is 44100 .
The 10 bytes read from the AIFF header are:
40 0e ac 44 00 00 00 00 00 00
ac 44
as 4 raw bytes converted to decimal becomes 44100
, which is the sample rate I'd expect.
Here is a direct approach which doesn't require any truncation.
convert the 15-bit exponent. Follow the standard procedure for doubles, but now calculate ExpMul = 2^(exponent - 16383)
; the latter number being 2^14 -1 .
Store the lead bit of the mantissa (equivalent to the implicit "1" in doubles). Calculate the value of the remaining bits as a decimal fraction. (Note: I used bigBits:fracB2B
for this).
multiply (lead_bit + fraction) * (ExpMul)
My sample value in fact produced 44100 , as I expected to find.