I'm getting some warning signs in FDT in a couple of lines of code that access values in the app descriptor, like this:
var appDescriptor:XML = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationDescriptor;
var ns:Namespace = appDescriptor.namespace();
var appId:String = appDescriptor.ns::id[0];
var appVersion:String = appDescriptor.ns::versionNumber[0];
Those lines work fine, but FDT underlines "id" and "versionNumber", and issues the warning "Could not resolve variable (may be an XML element name)".
Is there a way to get rid of that warning?
Sort of, you can use this snippet:
// your code
to have FDT ignore the code therein. Another option is to try these settings. Otherwise try different parser / error settings to see what happens.
Preferences http://dl.dropbox.com/u/154189/web/never/Preferences.png