Let's say I have in a view this html code
{% if thisistrue %}
<p> let me see this </p>
{% endif %}
I'd like to have thisistrue = True only if I press a button from another view. Otherwise I want it to false.
I tried to use dynamic flask routes and jquery like
def main(param):
if param:
return render_template(thisistrue = True)
return render_template(thisistrue = False)
but I failed since it doesn't fit with my subroutes (like mainroutes/somethingelse/
Use javascript with onclick event (for button) whose href value leads to new_template.html
. The content of the new_template.html will be rendered by the python file.
Edit: The same thing can be done without javascript as well (i.e) using <button href = "/new-template">Submit</button>
. But here full page reload will take place and the transition will not be smoother. For the sake of good user experience, the javascript is important.
Edit-2: Since there was an error again, edited now. Since the variable show_data is passed as an argument along with the url(which is similar to the get request), If we declare just show_data= True
, It won't work. Instead, it should be show_data = request.args.get('showData', True)`. Now it is working alright.
Please no that there is a difference in spelling and case between 'showData' in javascript and show_data in the python script
HTML with button(index.html)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="new_temp">Submit</button>
document.getElementById("new_temp").addEventListener("click", function() {
window.location.href = "/new_template?showData=true";
from flask import Flask as fl, request as rq
from flask import render_template as tmp
app = fl(__name__)
def index(): return tmp("index.html")
def new_template():
show_data = rq.args.get("showData", True)
txt = "This is the new template content!"
return tmp("new_template.html", data=txt, show_data=show_data)
if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
HTML (new_template.html):
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% if show_data %}
<h1>{{ data }}</h1>
{% endif %}