I'm using clang-format
15. According tot he documentation it is possible to specify custom style file with the --style
option using --style='file:<format_file_path>
However, I'm having problem with actual path specification that doesn't produce the Invalid value for -style
error. If the format file is local like this, everything is fine:
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style='file:cmt.txt' -Werror ./template.h
But if it is located somewhere else, nothing works. I've tried these possibilities:
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style='file:/cmt.txt' -Werror ./template.h
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style="file:/cmt.txt" -Werror ./template.h
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style=file://cmt.txt -Werror ./template.h
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style=file:\/cmt.txt -Werror ./template.h
Is there some special character combination that clang-format
will accept?
I'm using bash 5.2.15 in msys2.
I was struggling with the same issue working with absolute paths and found out that this doesn't work
clang-format --style=file:/c/.clang-format -n /c/src/main.c
But both of the following works
clang-format --style=file:c:\.clang-format -n c:\src\main.c
clang-format --style=file:c:\.clang-format -n /c/src/main.c
So, the root of the issue is that the '--style=file' option specifically doesn't work with some formats of path. In your case the correct command should be the following:
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style="file:../cmt.txt" -Werror ./template.h
To transform the absolute path in a proper format for '--style-file' option you can use the following command in your shell (like PowerShell) on Windows:
$LINTER_PATH_WIN_ABS = Resolve-Path "..\cmt.txt"
Test its contents after running the provided command to make sure it worked as expected:
clang-format --dry-run --fcolor-diagnostics --verbose --style=file:$LINTER_PATH_WIN -Werror ./template.h