So i wanted to convert an int(input('Enter an integer') to str. because i wanted to code that if the user inputed a letter the python would print out this ('Error'). The reason im doing this is i was wondering if im able to do it without the use of the .isdigit() method or the "try" keyword.
letters = 'a-z' (just imagine all the letters)
user = int(input('>'))
if user >= 52:
blank += 1
if user in letters:
If you don't want to use str.isdigit() or any kind of exception handling then you could do this to confirm that the user input is comprised solely of digits 0-9
v = input("> ")
if not all(c in "0123456789" for c in v):
print("Invalid input")
This is not the "right" way. Better to call int() on the input string and handle any ValueError exception that arises