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Google Meet REST API Permission denied on resource Space (or it might not exist) error

I have just configured everything in google cloud console, i am using service account as auth method and i download key file as json. But i am getting this error

"Call failed with message: { "message": "Permission denied on resource Space (or it might not exist)", "code": 7, "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED", "details": [] }"


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Panel;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\ApiCore\ValidationException;
use Google\Apps\Meet\V2\Client\SpacesServiceClient;
use Google\Apps\Meet\V2\CreateSpaceRequest;
use Google\Apps\Meet\V2\Space;

class YourControllerName extends Controller
    public function __construct()


     * @throws ValidationException
    public function index()
        $spacesServiceClient  = new SpacesServiceClient([
            'credentials' => storage_path('app\google-calendar\credentials.json')

        $request = new CreateSpaceRequest();

        try {
            $response = $spacesServiceClient->createSpace($request);
            printf('Response data: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->serializeToJsonString());
        } catch (ApiException $ex) {
            printf('Call failed with message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $ex->getMessage());


  • after setting up domain wide delegation and other related configurations on google cloud console this code worked for me

    public function index(){
         $credentials = (new ServiceAccountCredentials(['','']
        // Create a client.
        $spacesServiceClient = new SpacesServiceClient(['credentials' => $credentials]);
        // Prepare the request message.
        $request = new CreateSpaceRequest();
        // Call the API and handle any network failures.
        try {
            /** @var Space $response */
            $response = $spacesServiceClient->createSpace($request);
            printf('Response data: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->serializeToJsonString());
        } catch (ApiException $ex) {
            printf('Call failed with message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $ex->getMessage());